Brain PathWays Blog

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Neuroscience of Sex

Lovers embracing on the beach at sundown / sun...

Image by mikebaird via Flickr

Have you wondered why lovemaking is more mutually satisfying with some partners than with others? Was it you? Was it them? Was it your experience, or lack thereof? Some partners seem to be on the same page with you, while others…not so much. Why is this? Are there basic but different styles and preferences to sex? You bet! Then how do you begin to understand how to keep the one you love happy in matters of lovemaking (and help them keep you happy too)?

For each of us, beyond the initial chemistry, we are internally hardwired to how we prefer to experience sex. The more we understand how our partners and we are wired, the more consistently rewarding relationships become.

The first key is how you and your partner like to use your senses during sex. The second is how you prefer the pattern of sexual activities to unfold. Neuroscience unlocks these preferences and patterns for lovemaking!

To get started, which of the following sensory characteristics do you and your partner relate to the most and least? Focus on the most important sensory preference for each person. With practice, work toward integrating the two strongest sensory pathways into your sexual repertoire. For variety and spice, combine the strongest and weakest sensory pathways. Also, experiment with scent and taste like aromatic candles, essential oils, sensual food and drinks.

Kinesthetic: How things feel

Try: Comfortable settings with freedom to move about, pillows, non-traditional settings, massage, different positions, diverse kinesthetic activities, touch and movement.

Visual: How things look

Try: Visually attractive environment, provocative clothing, art, flowers, candles, stimulating images, mirrors, nature scenes, descriptive notes, look deeply into each other’s eyes.

Auditory: How things sound

Try: Quiet and interruption free environment, talk, listen, and ask questions, mood music, verbally descriptive, express feelings auditorily, move to the tempo and rhythm of music.

It’s also important to experience sensory sexual activities in the cognitive pattern of choice.

Sequential: Predictability and knowing what to expect

Try: Agreed upon activities within a timeframe

Global: Open ended possibilities and options

Try: Variety and open-ended activities with spontaneity

Integrated: a balance of Sequential and Global

Try: Random variation of predictability and unpredictability

It’s fun and easy to accommodate each other’s neuroscience preferences and patterns in sexual encounters. The possibilities are endless. You should be able to get started now. If you are different from one another, you have the possibility of doubling your pleasures. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin.

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Did you enjoy this intimate and personal subject about human sexuality?  A fun way to continue your journey of self development is discovering how your brain is wired for success. Your personalized Brain PathWays report gives you practical neuroscience tools, based on your brain strengths to “be the best you can be.” The on-line process takes less than 15 minutes, the results last a life time. Click to purchase your Brain PathWays online self-assessment and download your report today.


2 comments on “Neuroscience of Sex

  1. elwell insurance maine
    October 14, 2010

    Maybe the greatest read I have read this week!?!

    Thank You

  2. brainpathways
    October 14, 2010

    Thank you, Lyle, for your kind comment. Sexuality is an important ingredient for most intimate and committed relationships. And, it’s an “inside job” of knowing how each partners brain is wired and what makes them tick and sizzle. Deanna and I are happy to share what we have learned about practical neurscience for better daily living. I hope you can put this information to good use. Please return to the blog for continued articles on using neuroscience practices for better relationships, career success, stress managment and life in general.

    Stephen Hager
    Brain PathWays

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