Brain PathWays Blog

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When Relationships Get Tense: Get on Each Others Wavelength!

Emotions spiraling out of control

Good relationships can get crazy and spiral out-of-control when emotions, deep vulnerability and egos take hold. This is when love, logic and clear thinking goes out the window and you are at a total loss for what to do. Continuing to communicate in this state of craziness is a fruitless and frustrating exercise.

Deanna and I are the developers of neuroscience systems for establishing rapport, understanding and harmony. These tools are utterly useless when emotions are allowed to run rampant. They work best when both parties are in the proper state-of-mind to use them.

This is what we have learned as a married couple and business partners. Perhaps what we do will help you when communications get crazy with significant people in your life.

1. Say you’re sorry. Admit you played a role in the problem. Say you will learn from it to avoid this ever happening again.

2. Agree you want to heal the relationship. This is the defining moment that establishes the intention and commitment to work on the relationship.

3. Revisit the situation when cool heads prevail. Time apart should be spent thinking about your role in the problem and identifying the “hot buttons” that ignited the chain reaction. Avoid the dead-end street of defending your position and attacking the other person. Focus on positive things you have control over in future interactions.

Begin by saying, again, that you are sorry and want the relationship to be better and stronger. Share with one another the lessons learned. Convey your ideas to improve the relationship. It’s essential in a growing relationship to know how to communicate on each others “wavelength.” This builds rapport and saves valuable time.

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Are you experiencing strained and difficult communications with a family member, co-worker or friend? Feeling misunderstood and unappreciated are tell-tale signs of a deteriorating relationship. Your difficulties may be due to big gaps in the ways you both communicate. Your Brain PathWays report gives you what you need to know and do to get on other peoples “wavelength.” You can repair, rebuild and improve important relationships now with powerful practical neuroscience communication tools for exceptional rapport. Click to purchase your Brain PathWays online self-assessment and download your report today.

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This entry was posted on August 21, 2010 by in Family, Personal, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , .

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