Brain PathWays Blog

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Why Kinesthetic and Global Kids Fall Between the Cracks

Kinesthetic Learning

Image by pursyapt via Flickr

Do you know that the students most likely to struggle in traditional classroom settings are Kinesthetic, hands-on learners with Global, big-picture cognitive strengths? This is because their brain wiring is misaligned with how many subjects are taught. This frustrating learning challenge may begin in middle school and continue through high school, college and into adulthood. Without self-awareness of what’s going on, the individual is likely to develop a strong disdain for learning and experience low self-esteem that can carry over into their adult life.

I have personal experience with the “brain wiring” preference combination of Kinesthetic learning and Global thinking. I can claim 100% success for learning anything that interests me through practical neuroscience strategies that support how my brain is wired and what makes me tick.  I hope this knowledge helps millions of students and adults whose brains are wired similarly to mine. Anyone can take control of their learning success by knowing how to leverage their brain pathway strengths.

Kinesthetic Learner and Global Thinker Challenges

My sensory learning preferences are Kinesthetic followed by Visual and then Auditory. I need to have movement, touch and hands-on experiences to stay engaged and remember. Having to learn solely through listening and lecture, with a minimum of visual materials and an inability to move about, is my worst possible scenario. Highly Kinesthetic learners do well in lab courses, shop, drafting, graphics, field trips, and other hands-on, experiential learning environments. Having to sit still in one place, listen to a lecture and run the risk of getting reprimanded for fidgeting or moving about is a situation most Kinesthetic learners prefer to avoid.

The other half of the learning equation is how one prefers to process and think about stored and incoming sensory information. My cognitive strength is Global rather than Sequential. I like “big picture” subjects dealing with context, overarching concepts, possibilities and options. Subjects that stimulate my imagination and permit jumping about in non-logical steps are the ones that keep me interested and engaged. Unfortunately most subjects tend to be taught in a Sequential (e.g. logical, orderly, detail-oriented), step-by-step manner. This is a torturous scenario for a person with strong Global thinking strengths. This is because their Global brains are moving at a rapid-fire rate and get bored with staying on one aspect of a bigger concept longer than a couple of minutes. Global thinkers are equipped to understand the foundational principles of most traditionally Sequential subjects like mathematics, programming theory, thermodynamics, metallurgy, physics, electrochemistry and human anatomy; the problem lies with their attention span and the focus required to complete detailed assignments and pass tests requiring accuracy.

Hot Tips for Kinesthetic and Global Brains

Learning is a voluntary brain process. First, establish the strongest positive outcomes, value and benefits you will receive from learning your chosen subject. This hot tip applies to everyone, regardless of their brain pathway strengths.

  • Kinesthetic Strategies: Implementing movement and touch with your learning experience helps you stay engaged and remember. Closing your eyes occasionally helps you listen deeply during a lecture. Take notes and/or doodle while listening. When reviewing material, ask yourself, “what feels and looks important here?” Flash cards are a great aid for Kinesthetic learners.
  • Global Strategies: When detail and accuracy are required, do your studying in a formal environment with a moderately cool temperature to stay engaged and focused. Use snacks and refreshments as a reward during breaks and for completing chunks of work within 20-30 minute periods of time.

You can quickly, accurately and reliably determine how your brain is wired to learn, think, perform, solve problems, and make decisions with statistically validated preference instruments. Online results generate customized and comprehensive accelerated learning strategies for all brain pathway combinations.

In conclusion, your past learning challenges may have been due to your brain wiring being misaligned with the subject and how it was taught. Practical neuroscience is the unrecognized solution to quick, easy and fun learning.

Author Message:
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4 comments on “Why Kinesthetic and Global Kids Fall Between the Cracks

  1. Pingback: Three Reasons Why People Talk More and Listen Less | Brain PathWays Blog

  2. Pingback: Listening Aids May Do More Good than Hearing Aids | Brain PathWays Blog

  3. Just No Snoring
    January 16, 2015

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  4. stress
    January 20, 2015

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