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Practical Neuroscience Help for ADHD Adults

High Dopamine Transporter Levels Not Correlate...

High Dopamine Transporter Levels Not Correlated with ADHD Contradicts use of transporter levels as diagnostic indicator; suggests need for more study November 29, 2006 These positron emission tomography (PET) scans show that patients with ADHD had lower levels of dopamine transporters in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain’s reward center, than control subjects. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A recent St. Louis public TV special on Adult ADHD stimulated my thinking about this rapidly growing phenomenon. My first reaction was that I possess several characteristics of ADHD and wonder what an accurate diagnosis would reveal. I then thought about people I work with who have one or more ADHD symptoms and are competent, accomplished and self-fulfilled individuals with successful careers and harmonious personal relationships. I have used practical neuroscience strategies for over two decades to learn and perform in areas I never thought possible. These thoughts gave me hope that self-help is possible for tens of millions of people suffering from this condition.

My questions are:

  • Can adults diagnosed with ADHD help themselves manage specific negative traits?
  • Is the rate of adult ADHD growing and getting worse, or are increased awareness of the problem and improved diagnosis methods, finally revealing a human condition that has been around for a very long time?
  • What effect does physical environment, the economy and world affairs have on this condition?
  • What, besides prescription drugs and psychotherapy, may help people with mild and severe symptoms?

The following is a short list of Adult ADHD symptoms and traits, which may become more manageable using practical neuroscience self-help methods. Severe behavioral symptoms that typically require a combination of prescription drugs and psychotherapy are not addressed here. The list is organized by the three commonly used ADHD categories. Following each trait is a summary of how self-awareness of sensory and cognitive thinking strengths and “blind spots” may provide some level of relief and increased performance.


1. Impulsive movement, fidgeting and touching things

A high percentage of the population is comprised of Kinesthetic learners. Their world revolves around physical movement, hands-on activities and how things feel. When Kinesthetic preferences are significantly stronger and more dominant than Visual and Auditory preferences, the Kinesthetic traits associated with ADHD become more observable and may appear extreme. This imbalance can be managed by strengthening the next strongest sensory pathway, Visual or Auditory. Jobs, household activities, hobbies and sports activities, requiring extensive use of Kinesthetic skill sets, are healthy and productive outlets for highly Kinesthetic individuals.


2. Interrupting others

Most people are poor listeners and do not realize how little meaning they extract from what is said. Very few are able to detect underlying feelings and intention by listening to tone-of-voice. Talking over other people and interrupting is frequently an unconscious act of people with low Auditory preferences and can undermine relationships. When individuals know their Auditory acuity is low, they can improve communication effectiveness in conversations by merely being more aware that they are poor listeners. This shift in awareness actually improves their listening ability through focus on their “non-preference.” Paraphrasing what they heard, making comfortable eye contact and asking questions to gain clarity strengthen listening ability, while improving relationship harmony. Everyone can gain from these practical neuroscience communication methods.

3. Switching tasks rapidly

Some people’s brains are wired to think Globally, in terms of the “big picture.” They live in a world of possibilities and options and are comfortable with open-ended situations. They naturally tend to jump around from task to task, giving casual observers the impression that they are accomplishing very little. Global thinking people have much to offer the world, however, when it comes to identifying future solutions and outcomes for current situations in need of change. Individuals with this cognitive preference should align themselves with Global activities to make use of their strengths. Global thinkers should also consider seeking help with life’s practical matters from Sequential-thinking, trusted advisors.


4. Time management and organization

Issues with time management and organization may share the same core cause as rapid task switching. Time management and organizations skills can be learned under most circumstances. This is where Sequential-thinking family members and co-workers can  role model and coach Sequential skills.

5. Work related mistakes and accidents

Every person has “blind spots” related to their least preferred sensory and cognitive pathways.  Decreased attention to these pathways means increased likelihood of mistakes and accidents. Examples include:

  • Low Auditory – may not hear something important
  • Low Visual  – may miss seeing something important
  • Low Kinesthetic  – may be physically awkward and clumsy
  • Low Sequential – may not follow logical steps or safe protocols
  • Low Global – may miss identifying possibilities and options when logic fails

Awareness of “blind spots” allows for increased focus, when the risk of a mistake or accident is highest.

It’s also advisable to have trusted friends “cover your blind spots” with their strengths.

6. Taking longer to complete tasks than others

This condition is common to all people, as a function of their sensory and cognitive thinking strengths and “blind spots.” You tend to get more, productive work done, when using your strongest and most preferred pathways. What most people do not know is that they can boost personal productivity by creating a physical environment conducive to doing specific tasks and activities. Examples:

  • Auditory tasks – quiet and interruption free environment
  • Visual tasks – organized, attractive, uncluttered environment
  • Kinesthetic tasks – comfortable environment that allows movement
  • Sequential tasks – formal environment
  • Global tasks – informal environment

Performing tasks in compatible environments often boosts productivity by 20% -60%.

7. Relationship conflicts

Nearly everyone has difficulty communicating with some of the people in their life. This is when his or her “transmitting style” is out-of-sync with another person’s “receiving style.” Some combinations of sensory sequence and cognitive processing style place a person at high risk to be out of alignment with a large percentage of the people they interact with at home and work. Knowing the communication preferences of others, allows adjustment of one’s “transmitting style” to their “receiving styles,” thus enhancing rapport and understanding.

In conclusion, you have nothing to lose by learning how your brain is wired to receive and process sensory information and by knowing your “blind spots.” These insights may be what you need to know to manage your ADHD symptoms, regardless of your diagnosis. You may be delighted and surprised by how much you can improve and achieve with self-administered and safe practical neuroscience knowledge and tools. Look online for trusted sources of statistically validated practical neuroscience assessment products like Brain PathWays™ to help you and your loved ones relieve Adult ADHD symptoms.

Author Message:
You may not be aware that our organization is a trusted and respected source of reliable practical neuroscience solutions for personal and organizational development.  We have been creating and delivering brain-based human development solutions, since 1992. The message that follows directs you to a quick, easy, and low cost solution you may be searching for.

Are you are anxious, stressed, and worried about your, or your kids’,educational success? It’s possible that the person you are worried about is a highly Kinesthetic learner and Global thinker; they may be experiencing ADHD symptoms and nothing is really wrong with them. Brain PathWays for Academic Success, based on recent advances in neuroscience and personalized, accelerated learning strategies, is the most comprehensive system available for learning success. Does it make sense that when you learn with the way your brain works, instead of against the way it works, you will experience less stress and learn more, faster? Click to purchase your copy of Brain PathWays for Academic Success today!

8 comments on “Practical Neuroscience Help for ADHD Adults

  1. Pingback: Can Practical Neuroscience Methods Help Adults with ADHD … » AreaHunt - Best Blog

  2. Kangxi
    September 2, 2011

    Nice Post!

  3. Pingback: facebook123

  4. Pingback: Practical Neuroscience Approach to Personal Mastery | Brain PathWays Blog

  5. Pingback: Three Reasons Why People Talk More and Listen Less | Brain PathWays Blog

  6. Nice content! I’m linking here from my ADD-focused WordPress blog — first article in a series on Reframing, Rewiring, Limbic System & Amygdala Hijack.

    Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, SCAC, MCC – (blogging at ADDandSoMuchMore and ADDerWorld – dot com!)

    • brainpathways
      November 21, 2011

      Thanks Madelyn for your kind comments. Since we both work in the field of practical neuroscience, perhaps we can correspond. My email and phone is on the site. Feel free to contact me. I will certainly take a look at your blog.


  7. Pingback: Are you OUT of your MIND? « ADD . . . and-so-much-more

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