Brain PathWays Blog

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Communicating on Auditory Wavelengths

Phone Call

Image by corydalus via Flickr

Do you have a spouse, friend or business associate with strong preferences for Auditory communications? If you communicate similarly to them, you probably have some natural rapport, based on your preference for listening to the meaning of words to receive information. If you prefer Kinesthetic (movement, touch, physical action) or Visual (seeing information) interactions over Auditory, you and the other person may be experiencing strained and difficult communications. This is because both of you may not be receiving information on your preferred wavelengths, thus creating frustration over misunderstandings.

Everyone has their own unique and distinct preferences for taking in and processing sensory information, instructions, directions, requests and questions. When you customize and align your “transmitting style” with another’s preferred “receiving style,” you increase the probability for greater rapport and understanding. This neuroscience principle has enormous implications in all human relationships.

The following steps help you identify and connect with the Auditory communicators in your life. Powerful neuroscience tools tune you into “auditory wavelength” preferences for receiving information, resulting in instant rapport, understanding and respect.

Step I: Identifying Auditory Communicators

  • Strengths: Listening, discussions and asking questions; remembering sounds, words, what was heard and the tone-of-voice in which things were said; negotiations; crafting language
  • Irritations: Unexpected noise or sound while listening and working; interruptions while working or speaking;  people not paying attention and questioning what they say
  • Enjoy: Long discussions, debate, talk shows, theatre, phone calls, listening to voice mail and “playing back” conversations

Step II: Connecting to Auditory Communicators

  • Universal Strategies: Seek to understand the other person’s point-of-view before expressing yours. Allow people to complete their thoughts and expressions before asking questions and trying to “second guess” what they are thinking. Make no assumptions and stay in the present moment. Keep an open mind.
  • Environment: Select a quiet, peaceful and interruption free environment that is conducive to deep respectful listening.
  • Primary Strategies: Focus on what’s being said and their tone-of-voice. Maintain comfortable eye contact in face-to-face interactions. Take notes, if appropriate, to help you concentrate and show respect. When on the phone, close your eyes to remove visual distractions and focus on listening. Ask questions to clarify what’s being communicated. Periodically, paraphrase what you hear to confirm understanding. Allow ample time for processing information, asking and answering questions. Think: “What words can I use to help them understand me? What are they trying to convey to me with their words?”
  • Use Auditory Language: Auditory communicators use and prefer language like: I hear you loud and clear. Music to my ears. Tell me. Listen to this. Did you hear what I just said? Let me tell you what I think.

In conclusion, it’s easy to identify and connect with Auditory communicators using simple and powerful neuroscience tools. This brain-based approach tunes you into their preferred “auditory wavelength” to receive information, resulting in instant rapport, understanding and respect. These principles and practices apply to intimate relationships, families, business, government and sales situations, so you can connect with all of the Auditory communicators in your life.

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Are you experiencing strained and difficult communications with a family member, co-worker or friend? Is it possible that one of you is more Auditory than the other and  one of you is a Sequential thinker and the other is Global? Feeling misunderstood and unappreciated are tell-tale signs of a deteriorating relationship. Your difficulties may be due to big gaps in the ways you both communicate. Your Brain PathWays report gives you what you need to know and do to get on other peoples “wavelength.” You can repair, rebuild and improve important relationships now with powerful practical neuroscience communication tools for exceptional rapport. Click to purchase your Brain PathWays online self-assessment and download your report today.

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